Aleksandar Đorđević joined our campaign

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“As head coach of the Serbian National Team and Bayern Munich coach, and also as former basketball player and member of the National Team, I have decided to join the crowdfunding campaign for the completion of the project “THE LEAP”, promoting the genuine image of sport: sport spirit, friendship in sport and cultivating sport tradition. Knowing the kind of fighter Nataša Kovačević is, I am sure that the film about her will not be typical sport story, but rather motivation for all of us who on daily basis try to overcome small obstacles.

The idea that – through this project, as part of the film “The Leap”, a memorial be erected in Belgrade to the founders of both Serbian and Yugoslav basketball school and their coach, the first professional head coach of the Yugoslav National Team Henri Hell (France) – calls for a broader engagement of the public. I am happy to join the figures who have already backed this project and also the institutions such as the basketball federations of Serbia, France and Belgrade, as well as the French Embassy in Belgrade.

In addition to my personal donation, I also provide, together with the Serbian Basketball Federation, a basketball ball signed by SBF President Predrag Danilović and myself. This ball will appear on the crowdfunding platform as one of the symbolic gifts for a specific donation.

For the time being, I am one of the 50 figures who have joined this campaign. All those who wish to join us can do so with their donations via the following link – (click on “BACK IT“ at the top of the page, next to the trailer and select one of the contribution – gift options).


Aleksandar Djordjevic,

Head coach of the Serbian National Team and Bayern Munich
